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\n \n \n
About Us
Dedicated professionals excited to help you fix your tickets as fast and easy as possible
\n \n
\n \n \n
What We Do for You
{`TicketTamer is a website that is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to take care of your traffic ticket and other citations.\n\nWe “fix” your ticket by negotiating to reduce the charges down to a non-moving violation to keep the points off your record and your insurance rates down. You will still have to pay a fine and court costs, but you will save hundreds of dollars in higher insurance costs, avoid the hassle of going to court, and keep your driver’s license from being at risk of suspension or revocation.\n\nWe charge $75 to fix any traffic ticket. However, there may be additional charges for higher speed traffic tickets and services we may be required to provide by the court, such as your driving record, continuances, court appearances, or clearing a warrant.\n\nTicketTamer is a public service program of ReubenLaw LLC, whose experienced lawyers provide high quality legal services for traffic tickets because we don’t believe governments should use tickets to raise money. `}
If you find a better quote, we'll beat it!
\nThe managing partner is Richard C. Reuben, who is a law professor at the University of Missouri School of Law in Columbia, Mo. All services performed by Richard C. Reuben are in his capacity as a private citizen, and are not affiliated with the University of Missouri or the University of Missouri School of Law.
\n \n
\n \n \n \n
Submit your ticket and get your quote instantly.
\n \n
\n \n {/* \n \n
Get the app for free
\n \n \"app\n \"google\"\n \n
\n */}\n
\n \n \n
Your TicketTamer Team
\n \"Richard\n
Richard Reuben
Founder & Managing Partner
{`Richard Reuben is the managing partner of ReubenLaw LLC, dba TicketTamer, and the James Lewis Parks Professor of Law and Journalism at the University of Missouri School of Law.\n\n Richard Reuben has taught at Mizzou since 2000 and has been practicing law since 1991. He has won cases the Missouri Supreme Court and the Missouri Court of Appeals. He has been married for more than 30 years, has two sons, two dogs, two cats, and a 125 gallon fish tank. His hobbies range from ice hockey (Blues and Kings fan) to mindfulness and yoga.\n\n TicketTamer is not affiliated with the University of Missouri or the University of Missouri School of Law.`}
\n \"Julie\n
Julie Chambers
Associate of TicketTamer
{`She graduated from the University of Missouri School of Law in 2009, and served as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Dispute Resolution. She graduated Vanderbilt University in 2005, majoring in communications. She has three children, a dog, and is an avid St. Louis sports fan.`}
\n {/*
\n \"Michael\n
Michael Ottman
Client Services Manager
{`His experience encompasses a broad spectrum of manufacturing industries, business growth, channel development and SAAS consulting services primarily focused on identifying, establishing and maintaining best practices throughout every aspect of the business.\n\n Michael has two children and a granddaughter. His hobbies include swimming, exercise, Labrador retriever rescue partner and volunteer dog walking at the local humane society.`}
*/}\n \n
\n \n
\n )\n}\nexport default AboutUsPage;\n"],"names":["React","Layout","title","className","_Row","justify","_Col","md","style","paddingTop","paddingBottom","gutter","xs","span","_Card","backgroundColor","textAlign","maxWidth","margin","href","GET_TICKETTAMER","_Button","type","src","richardImg","alt","julieImg","FooterBox"],"sourceRoot":""}