A DWI or DUI in Missouri is a very serious offense. A conviction can carry jail time and long-\nterm life consequences. Possible punishments include jail time, heavy fines, loss of license, \nimpact to your insurance, and employment troubles.\n
, content:
\n A DWI or DUI in Missouri is a very serious offense. A conviction can carry jail time and long-\nterm life consequences. Possible punishments include jail time, heavy fines, loss of license, \nimpact to your insurance, and employment troubles.\n

\nHiring a lawyer to help you handle your DWI or DUI will allow you to get the best possible \noutcome. TicketTamer provides a free initial case review, and then works with the prosecutor to \nget the charge reduced down to a less severe offense. \n

\n\nYou likely will still be fined, may be put on probation, be required to take a class or community \nservice. But it is much better than going to court alone and hoping for the best. That probably \nwon’t happen. TicketTamer can get you through this as easily as possible, and at an affordable \nrate.\n
},\n {key: 2, title: 'What Should I Do After I Get a DWI or DUI?', preview:
Get a ride home and get some sleep. The next morning, take a picture of your ticket and any \nsupporting information so that it is in your phone, then put it in a safe place. Review your options\nand know when your court date is. Contact TicketTamer to help you get started at (314) 728-\n4444 or info@tickettamer.com.\n
, content:
\n Get a ride home and get some sleep. The next morning, take a picture of your ticket and any \nsupporting information so that it is in your phone, then put it in a safe place. Review your options\nand know when your court date is. Contact TicketTamer to help you get started at (314) 728-\n4444 or info@tickettamer.com.\n
},\n {key: 3, title: 'I am Scared and Nervous. How Can TicketTamer help me?', preview:
A DWI or DUI is a serious offense, so it is very understandable to be scared and nervous. \nTicketTamer is here to help. \n

\n\nAt TicketTamer, we offer a free consultation to review your ticket, listen to the facts and any \ninformation you can share, and discuss our strategy to get you the best possible deal\n
, content:
\n A DWI or DUI is a serious offense, so it is very understandable to be scared and nervous. \nTicketTamer is here to help. \n

\nAt TicketTamer, we offer a free consultation to review your ticket, listen to the facts and any \ninformation you can share, and discuss our strategy to get you the best possible deal. During this \nconsultation, we will discuss the details of your St. Louis County, St. Louis City, or St. Charles \nCounty case and begin to identify potential legal issues based upon your memory. \n

\nOnce you hire TicketTamer, the following will occur:\n
\n \n Entry of Appearance – You will be assigned an Attorney. Your Attorney will enter their \nappearance with the court so that the court knows they are your Attorney. This will \npermit the court to communicate with your Attorney.\n \n \n Arraignment – After you are arrested, the Court is required to formally tell you the \ncharges the prosecutor is bringing against you. This is also the time in which you enter a \nplea of “guilty” or “not guilty.” We will appear on your behalf so you do not have to, or \ngo with you to court if the court requires your appearance.\n \n \n Discovery – Your attorney will ask the prosecutor for all of the evidence his or her office \nhas against you. The Prosecutor’s Office is required to give us everything they have – \nincluding any evidence showing that you were not impaired.\n \n \n Review – Your Attorney will review and evaluate the evidence turned over during the \ndiscovery process. We will review the evidence the prosecutor provides, including police \nthe report, dash cam video, witness statements, and breathalyzer or blood test results, and \ninterview potential witnesses.\n \n \n Pretrial Conference – The pretrial conference is an opportunity for your Attorney to meet \nwith the judge and the prosecutor to discuss the status of the case and any pending \nmatters. It is also an opportunity to address missing discovery, seek a continuance, or \nresolve any other issues.\n \n \n File Motions With the Court – Once we identify weaknesses in the case against you, we \nmay file a motion with the court. Motions are basically legal requests asking the court to \ndo something. For example, if the evidence indicates your blood alcohol level was \nactually within the lawful limit, we would file a motion asking the court to dismiss the \ncase. This process can help speed along negotiations with the Prosecutor’s Office.\n \n \n Negotiation with the Prosecutor’s Office – At this point, your Attorney will have had the \nopportunity to speak with you and any witnesses and also review, evaluate, and \ninvestigate discovery. Your Attorney will take their arguments to the Prosecutor and \nargue why your matter should be dismissed or reduced, given the flaws of the case. \nDepending upon the evidence, the Prosecutor will sometimes agree to dismiss or reduce \nthe charges. In other circumstances, the prosecutor will refuse to budge and the case has \nto go to trial.\n \n \n Trial –At trial, the prosecutor will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were\ndriving while intoxicated or under the influence. TicketTamer will present a vigorous \ndefense on your behalf, including witnesses to testify on your behalf, if possible, as well \nas other evidence to support your defense.\n \n\n This can be a long process, but TicketTamer will be with you during every step of the way. \n
},\n {key: 4, title: 'Should I Just Go to Court on my Own and Plead Guilty or No Contest?', preview:
\n \n If you plead guilty to this charge, you will be sentenced by the Court. The Judge will use \nhis or her discretion issuing a punishment. The punishments could include heavy fines, \nloss of license, and jail time.\n \n
, content:
\n \n If you plead guilty to this charge, you will be sentenced by the Court. The Judge will use \nhis or her discretion issuing a punishment. The punishments could include heavy fines, \nloss of license, and jail time.\n \n \n Pleading “No Contest” or an “Alford Plea” can result in the Judge finding you guilty \nalmost immediately thereafter. A “No Contest” plea means you are admitting to all of the \nfacts alleged in the complaint against you. You are forfeiting your right to a trial and to a \ndefense.\n \n \n A DWI or DUI conviction will result in points on your license that will cause a \nsuspension or revocation. A first-time DWI or DUI can be handled in a way that keeps \nthis from happening.\n \n
},\n {key: 5, title: 'What are the Maximum Penalties for DWI or DUI Convictions in Missouri?', preview:
A first-time DWI or DUI is generally charged as a second-degree misdemeanor, which carries a \nmaximum penalty of up to 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Other penalties can be assessed, \nhowever, including license suspension or revocation, probation, community service, ignition \ninterlock, and higher insurance rates. A conviction may also impact your employment and \neducation opportunities. It can even impact your ability to travel outside of the country.\n
, content:
\n A first-time DWI or DUI is generally charged as a second-degree misdemeanor, which carries a \nmaximum penalty of up to 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Other penalties can be assessed, \nhowever, including license suspension or revocation, probation, community service, ignition \ninterlock, and higher insurance rates. A conviction may also impact your employment and \neducation opportunities. It can even impact your ability to travel outside of the country.\n

\nA second DWI or DUI conviction results in more significant consequences. In Missouri, if you \nare convicted of a second DWI or DUI, you must serve a mandatory 10 days in jail, with a \nmaximum sentence of one year.\n

\nTicketTamer can help you avoid second offenses by fixing your first one.\n
},\n {key: 6, title: 'What Happens if I Refused the Breath test?', preview:
Your drivers’ license will be revoked for one year if you refuse a breath test.\n
, content:
\n Your drivers’ license will be revoked for one year if you refuse a breath test. \n

\nTicketTamer can fight this by filing a petition for review. It must be filed within 30 days of the \nnotice of revocation (usually at time of arrest) in the county where you were arrested. In most \ncases, we can also get a court order allowing you to keep driving while we are waiting for the \npetition to be heard.\n
},\n {key: 7, title: 'What Happens if I blew Over .08?', preview:
If you have no alcohol related law enforcement contacts in the previous 5 years, you will face a \n30-day license suspension followed by 60 days of restricted driving privileges if you fail a \nchemical test for excessive blood alcohol. If you have a previous offense, you will face a 1-year \nrevocation.\n
, content:
\n If you have no alcohol related law enforcement contacts in the previous 5 years, you will face a \n30-day license suspension followed by 60 days of restricted driving privileges if you fail a \nchemical test for excessive blood alcohol. If you have a previous offense, you will face a 1-year \nrevocation.\n

\nTicketTamer can help you stay on the road, but we have to work quickly. You only have 15 days\nfrom the day of the arrest to file a request for an administrative hearing to fight this suspension or\nrevocation. You will be given a temporary permit to drive on until the hearing date.\n
},\n {key: 8, title: 'What is the Difference Between a DWI and a DUI?', preview:
In most states, including Missouri, a DWI and a DUI are the same thing. The terms are used \ninterchangeably to reflect the operation of a vehicle while under the influence of a mind-altering \nsubstance.\n
, content:
\n In most states, including Missouri, a DWI and a DUI are the same thing. The terms are used \ninterchangeably to reflect the operation of a vehicle while under the influence of a mind-altering \nsubstance.\n
},\n {key: 9, title: 'How Can I Find Information on My Case?', preview:
If the charges against you were filed in State Court, you can find your case on Missouri’s \nCaseNet (www.courts.mo.gov) by typing in your information name or ticket number. Municipal \nCourt cases can sometimes be found at municourt.net.\n
, content:
\n If the charges against you were filed in State Court, you can find your case on Missouri’s \nCaseNet (www.courts.mo.gov) by typing in your information name or ticket number. Municipal \nCourt cases can sometimes be found at municourt.net.\n

\n TicketTamer gives you round-the-clock access to your case in our system, keeps you informed as\nyour case moves along, and lets you get a case update 24 or 7.\n
},\n {key: 10, title: 'How Do I Set Up a Free Consultation?', preview:
Click on this link (Calendly link) to schedule a free consultation with an Attorney at \nTicketTamer. You will be able to pick the day and time that works for you! If you would like to \nspeak with an Attorney immediately, please call TicketTamer at 314-728-4444.\n
, content:
\n Click on this link (Calendly link) to schedule a free consultation with an Attorney at \nTicketTamer. You will be able to pick the day and time that works for you! If you would like to \nspeak with an Attorney immediately, please call TicketTamer at 314-728-4444.\n
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