A MIP is a Class A or Class D misdemeanor in Missouri. If it’s your first offense, it will be a Class D misdemeanor and subject you to a $1,000 fine and loss of your driver’s license for 30 days. The second offense is a Class A misdemeanor and can lead to a fine of up to $2,000 and a year in jail. \n
, content:
\n A MIP is a Class A or Class D misdemeanor in Missouri. If it’s your first offense, it will be a Class D misdemeanor and subject you to a $1,000 fine and loss of your driver’s license for 30 days. The second offense is a Class A misdemeanor and can lead to a fine of up to $2,000 and a year in jail. \n

\n TicketTamer can fix your MIP ticket for just $750 for a first offense. Our success rate is 97%, and 40% of our clients are referrals or returning satisfied clients.\n
},\n {key: 2, title: 'How much is a fine for a MIP?', preview:
In Missouri, it depends upon whether it is your first MIP. If it is, then the fine can be up to $1,000 and a 30-day suspension of your driver’s license. A second or other offense is a Class A misdemeanor, and can lead to a fine of up to $2,000 and a year in jail.\n
, content:
\n In Missouri, it depends upon whether it is your first MIP. If it is, then the fine can be up to $1,000 and a 30-day suspension of your driver’s license. A second or other offense is a Class A misdemeanor, and can lead to a fine of up to $2,000 and a year in jail.\n

\n TicketTamer can fix your MIP ticket for just $750 for a first offense. Our success rate is 97%, and 40% of our clients are referrals or returning satisfied clients.\n
},\n {key: 3, title: 'How much does a MIP ticket cost in Missouri?', preview:
If you plead guilty or are convicted of having a MIP, you can get a fine of up to $2,000 and a year in jail. \n
, content:
\n If you plead guilty or are convicted of having a MIP, you can get a fine of up to $2,000 and a year in jail. \n

\n TicketTamer can fix your MIP ticket for just $750 for a first offense. Our success rate is 97%, and 40% of our clients are referrals or returning satisfied clients.\n
},\n {key: 4, title: 'How much does a MIP lawyer cost in Missouri?', preview:
Lawyers in Missouri typically charge 1,500 to 2,500 for a first-time MIP offense.\n
, content:
\n Lawyers in Missouri typically charge 1,500 to 2,500 for a first-time MIP offense.\n

\n TicketTamer can fix your MIP ticket for just $750 for a first offense. Our success rate is 97%, and 40% of our clients are referrals or returning satisfied clients.\n
},\n {key: 5, title: 'What do you absolutely need to know before you just pay your MIP ticket?', preview:
There are five things you need to know before you just pay your MIP ticket.\n
, content:
\n There are five things you need to know before you just pay your MIP ticket.\n
\n \n An MIP is a misdemeanor, not an infraction like a traffic ticket. If you just pay the fine for the ticket, you will be pleading guilty to the crime and it will be on your record forever.\n \n \n The maximum fine for a first-time MIP is 1,000 and a year in jail. For repeat offenders, the maximum fine is $2,000 and a year in jail.\n \n \n Having a conviction for a MIP on your record is a serious black mark, and can make it harder for you to get or keep a job, or enter a profession like law, nursing, or even styling hair. It can also lead to stiffer fines and other penalties if you get into any other trouble.\n \n \n An experienced MIP lawyer can work with the prosecutor to keep your record clean, although you may have to spend some time on probation or doing community service.\n \n \n TicketTamer can fix your MIP ticket for just $750 for a first offense. Our success rate is 97%, and 40% of our clients are referrals or returning satisfied clients.\n \n
},\n {key: 6, title: 'Why should I hire a lawyer to fix my MIP ticket?', preview:
If you just pay the ticket, you will be pleading guilty to a misdemeanor and it will be on your record forever. This can make it much harder for you to get or keep a job, or enter a profession like law, nursing, or even styling hair. It can also lead to stiffer fines and other penalties if you get into any other trouble.\n
, content:
\n If you just pay the ticket, you will be pleading guilty to a misdemeanor and it will be on your record forever. This can make it much harder for you to get or keep a job, or enter a profession like law, nursing, or even styling hair. It can also lead to stiffer fines and other penalties if you get into any other trouble.\n

\n TicketTamer can prevent this from happening for just $750 for a first offense. Our success rate is 97 percent, and 40 percent of our clients are referrals or returning satisfied clients.\n
},\n {key: 7, title: 'How much does a MIP lawyer cost in Missouri?', preview:
Lawyers in Missouri typically charge 1,500 to 2,500 for a first-time MIP offense. \n
, content:
\n Lawyers in Missouri typically charge 1,500 to 2,500 for a first-time MIP offense. \n

\n TicketTamer can fix your MIP ticket for just $750 for a first offense. Our success rate is 97%, and 40% of our clients are referrals or returning satisfied clients.\n
},\n {key: 8, title: 'What questions should you ask before hiring a MIP lawyer in Missouri?', preview:
Before hiring an attorney to fix a MIP ticket, you should ask these five questions\n
, content:
\n Before hiring an attorney to fix a MIP ticket, you should ask these five questions:\n
\n \n Have you fixed MIP tickets in this court before?\n
\n If the answer is yes, that’s good, of course. If the answer is no, consider getting another lawyer who has worked in that court before. It may not make a difference, but then again it may and you don’t want to take any chances.\n
\n \n How much will it cost to fix my ticket? \n
\n The cost for legal services to fix a MIP ticket can vary based on a number of factors, such as what court the ticket is in. A good lawyer should be able to give you an accurate quote quickly if you provide this information. If they don’t, move on.\n
\n \n Will the attorney fee include court fine and court costs?\n
\n Some lawyers include the fine and court costs within their fees, some do not. If you are very different quotes, this may help explain why.\n
\n \n How will you keep me informed of developments on my case? \n
\n Good lawyers take special care to keep you updated on your case. Bad lawyers will leave you wondering what will go on, and will probably try to avoid this question by simply reassuring you that they will keep in touch with them. Ask the lawyer how he or she will do that.\n
\n \n What kind of support will I have after you get me a deal?\n
\n If the lawyer fee includes your fine, you won’t need to worry about this question. If not, be sure to ask if they will help you make you sure that all of the conditions of your deal are properly satisfied. A good lawyer will provide that support.\n
},\n {key: 9, title: 'How long will a MIP ticket stay on my record in Missouri?', preview:
Forever. If you just pay the ticket, you will be pleading guilty to a Misdemeanor and it will be on your record for the rest of your life. This can make it much harder for you to get or keep a job. It can also cause other problems, like stiffer fines and other punishments if you get into any other trouble. \n
, content:
\n Forever. If you just pay the ticket, you will be pleading guilty to a Misdemeanor and it will be on your record for the rest of your life. This can make it much harder for you to get or keep a job. It can also cause other problems, like stiffer fines and other punishments if you get into any other trouble. \n

\n TicketTamer can fix your MIP ticket for just $750 for a first offense. Our success rate is 97%, and 40% of our clients are referrals or returning satisfied clients.\n
},\n];\n\nconst MipLawyers = (props) => {\n return ;\n}\n\nexport default MipLawyers;\n","import MIPLawyers from '../../containers/Services/MipLawyers';\nexport default MIPLawyers;\n"],"names":["Items","key","title","preview","React","className","content","_Card","style","backgroundColor","marginBottom","props","ServiceTemplateCascade","items","url","image","MIPSImg","metaDescription"],"sourceRoot":""}